Property Maintenance in Ontario

Extensive care and property maintenance services for your commercial property in Toronto, the GTA and surrounding areas.

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24/7 Service and Response

Our Team has the crews, the equipment, and the infrastructure necessary to deliver comprehensive service for multi-site properties across Ontario.  

Trained Professionals

We have our own dedicated team of trained professionals in addition to well established relationships with reliable sub-contractors. Our specialized tradespeople can handle any situation. If a specialized trade is required, we can get the job done correctly.

Property Maintenance Services

IMPACTT provides comprehensive property maintenance services for businesses and organizations across Ontario. We take care of any problems on your property, including building and fencing repairs, graffiti removal, window cleaning, lighting maintenance, and more.

Flood and Water Damage Restoration

Smoke and Fire Damage and Restoration

Mould Removal & Remediation

Commercial Restorations

Basement Flood Damage Cleanup

Graffiti Removal

Types Of Properties We Service

Property Maintenance Deck

We invite you to download our property maintenance and service presentation to learn more about what we do. For additional information regarding Impactt Services please contact

Got An Emergency? We’re Here For You.

24/7 Emergency Service